Compagnie Européenne de Transport Automobile par Mer (CETAM)

Has stopped with sailing.
Active ships:
Former ships:
- M/F Cetam Massalia (1995)
- M/F Cetam Massilia (2002)
- M/F Cetam Victoriae (1975)
- M/F Cetam Victoriae (1977)
- M/F City of Lutece (1981)
- M/F Juris Avots (1983)
- M/F Massilia (1980)
- M/F Norse Mersey (1995)
Note: This is a personal homepage, and has nothing to do with Compagnie Européenne de Transport Automobile par Mer (CETAM). To get the prices and timetables please contact Compagnie Européenne de Transport Automobile par Mer (CETAM).