Acciona Trasmediterranea
New name in 2015 to Trasmediterranea
Active ships:
Former ships:
- M/F Aegean Heaven (1999)
- M/F Albayzin (2004)
- HSC Alborán (1999)
- HSC Alcantara (1995)
- HSC Alcántara Dos (1995)
- HSC Almudaina (1996)
- HSC Almudaina Dos (1997)
- M/F Amanda (1978)
- M/F Arrow (1998)
- M/F Audacia (2007)
- M/F Breant (1979)
- M/F Carmen B (1978)
- M/F Celtic Mist (1987)
- M/F Celtic Sun (1978)
- M/F Ciudad de Malaga (1998)
- M/F Ciudad de Salamanca (1982)
- M/F Ciudad de Sevilla (1980)
- M/F Ciudad de Valencia (1984)
- M/F Ciudad se Sevilla (1980)
- M/F El Greco (2000)
- HSC Euroferrys Pacifica (2001)
- M/F Fortuny (2001)
- M/F Giulia d'Abundo (1975)
- M/F Hellenic Sailor (1978)
- HSC Incat K3 (1998)
- M/F Isabella I (1981)
- M/F Jose Maria Entrecanales (2010)
- M/F Juan J. Sister (1993)
- M/F Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (1993)
- HSC Milenium (2000)
- HSC Milenium Dos (2003)
- HSC Milenium Tres (2006)
- M/F Miranda (1999)
- M/F Murillo (2002)
- M/F Northern Merchant (2000)
- M/F Oleander (1980)
- M/F Regina Baltica (1980)
- M/F RoPax 2 (1980)
- M/F Santa Cruz de Tenerife (1993)
- M/F Scandola (1992)
- M/F Scotia Prince (1972)
- M/F Sherbatskiy (1980)
- M/F SNAV Adriatico (1986)
- M/F Sorolla (2001)
- M/F Sorrento (2003)
- M/F Stena Forwarder (1998)
- M/F Super Fast Galicia (2003)
- M/F Super-Fast Andalucia (1997)
- M/F Super-Fast Baleares (2010)
- M/F Super-Fast Canarias (1998)
- M/F Super-Fast Levante (2001)
- M/F Tenacia (2008)
- M/F Tor Anglia (1977)
- M/F Tor Futura (1996)
- M/F Ursine (1978)
- M/F Volcán de TeneguÃa (2007)
- M/F Vronskiy (1978)
- M/F Wisteria (1978)
- M/F Zurbaran (2000)
Note: This is a personal homepage, and has nothing to do with Acciona Trasmediterranea. To get the prices and timetables please contact Acciona Trasmediterranea.