
Has stop with sailing on the 7/11-2005.
Active ships:
Former ships:
- HSC Atlantic II (1990)
- HSC Diamant (1996)
- HSC Hoverspeed Boulogne (1991)
- HSC Hoverspeed France (1991)
- HSC Hoverspeed Great Britain (1990)
- HSC Rapide (1995)
- HSC SeaCat Boulogne (1991)
- HSC Seacat Calais (1990)
- HSC SeaCat Danmark (1991)
- HSC SeaCat Diamant (1996)
- HSC SeaCat France (1990)
- HSC SeaCat Isle of Man (1991)
- HSC SeaCat Norge (1991)
- HSC SeaCat Rapide (1995)
- HSC SeaCat Scotland (1991)
- HSC SuperSeaCat One (1997)
- HSC SuperSeaCat Three (1999)
- HSC SuperSeaCat Two (1997)
- HC The Princess Anne (1969)
- HC The Princess Margaret (1968)
Note: This is a personal homepage, and has nothing to do with Hoverspeed. To get the prices and timetables please contact Hoverspeed.