The ferry site

Sweden - Germany

Göteborg - Kiel - Stena Line

M/F Stena Germanica-
M/F Stena Scandinavica-

Malmö - Travemünde - Nordö Link

M/F FinnpartnerLimited passenger number
M/F FinnswanLimited passenger number
M/F FinntraderLimited passenger number

Trelleborg - Rostock - TT-Line

M/F Huckleberry Finn-
M/F Nils Dacke-
M/F Nils Holgersson-
M/F Peter Pan-
M/F Robin Hood-
M/F Tinker Bell-

Trelleborg - Rostock - Stena Line

M/F Mecklenburg-Vorpommern-
M/F Skåne-

Trelleborg - Travemünde - TT-Line

M/F Huckleberry Finn-
M/F Nils Holgersson-
M/F Peter Pan-
M/F Robin Hood-
M/F Tinker Bell-

Note: This is a personal homepage, and has no connection with the mentioned shipping companies. Please therefore contact the respective shipping companies for prices and timetables.